Click the link below for the OBPC Online Worship...
CYBER SECURITY SEMINAR With CHRIS STOOP Sponsored by Finance & Stewardship SATURDAY MARCH 8, 2025 10:00 – noon FELLOWSHIP HALL PROTECTING IDENTITY, DATA & ALL DIGITAL ASSETS This Seminar will increase your awareness & understanding of all cyber...
Join us for our Lenten Soup and Bible Study on Wednesday evenings, March 12 – April 9, from 5:30 – 7:00 pm in the fellowship hall. Following a meal of soup and bread, Pastor Jeff Beebe will lead a Lenten Bible Lesson. More information to come!
All are invited, Saturday, March 29th at 12:00pm for a Church Picnic. We will gather at Bicentennial Park (1800 Ocean Shore Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32176) for food, fun and fellowship. Hamburgers, hotdogs, and drinks will be provided. We are asking everyone to bring a...
The Youth Choir will present a mini-concert on Sunday, April 6 immediately after worship in the Fellowship Hall to help raise money to attend Montreat Worship and Music Conference. Lunch will be provided and the concert will follow. Thank you for your support of our...