Lent Gardens
For 2021 Lent, you are invited to explore a Lent Garden. Each week of Lent and Holy Week, different “gardens” have been designed to help you interact with the season of Lent in a new and exciting way.
Each week a link to the interactive garden will be found below. Simply click on the image and away you’ll go!
Here are some of the fun things you will find in your Lent Gardens:
Bible on a Park Bench – In the garden you will find a Bible on a park bench that will open with a click to a collection of daily Bible readings, children’s Bible stories, prayers and questions to think about throughout each week.
Tiny Library Box – You will also find a tiny library box (or maybe even two) and with a click you will find video records of a Bible story read by a church leader.
Hanging Flower Basket – The hanging flower basket will take you on a weekly adventure of garden musings and gardening ideas with Rev. Kristine O’Brien.
Guitar – The guitar leanings against the tree will connect you to our weekly hymn or song that goes along with the Bible story and themes.
Wooden Door – Feeling like going for a walk? Click on the wooden door and walk into a world of labyrinth visits, reflections and finger labyrinth opportunities.
Garden Gnome – Maybe you have a creative side, then the garden gnome is what you need. He will reveal a simple craft idea that makes use of materials that you likely already have at home.
Picnic Basket – And when it’s time for something to eat, click on the picnic basket for a new recipe or two to try at home.
This resource was created by the Synod of Central, Northeast Ontario and Bermuda, PCC and Foothills Presbytery, South Carolina, PCUSA.