Amsden Academy is a center for lifelong learning that offers classes, speakers and seminars that address the questions that people of faith ask as they seek to “grow to know God and live to show God.” The writer of Proverbs says that “An intelligent mind acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” (Proverbs 18:15)

The Amsden Academy invites everyone in the Ormond Beach community who has a thirst for knowledge and desires to grow wise in all areas of life to join us.

Amsden Academy offers programs to meet the needs of a diverse community of interests: health and wellness, family, growing in faith, coping with life’s challenges, computer skills, internet safety and security, learning new life skills and many more. Join us and discover this growing community of faith.

Fall at Amsden is for Family and Faith. Amsden will offer opportunities for learning such as coping with difficult family dynamics and growing in faith.

Winter’s focus is Health and Well-Being and brings opportunities such as a Resource Fair for the community and learning about healthy living.

Spring at Amsden focuses on our lives and we will offer opportunities for learning ways to cope with the challenges we face and how to improve our lives.

During the Summer, the focus at Amsden is Learning and Growing. In the summer, there will be chances to learn a new skill or hobby such as computer skills or gardening.