After a three-year hiatus, the Bible Believers Circle will begin meeting again!

Bible study is the glue that holds Presbyterian Women together.

We will use The PW Bible Study for the upcoming year “Sacred Encounters – The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts” and will include the following lessons:

Lesson 1 – Elizabeth’s Sacred Encounter
Lesson 2 – The Exorcism in Gerasa
Lesson 3 – A Bleeding Woman Encounters Christ
Lesson 4 – Mary & Martha Encounter Jesus
Lesson 5 – A Person with Leprosy Encounters Jesus
Lesson 6 – A Person with a physical disability Encounters Jesus
Lesson 7 – An Ethiopian Eunuch Encounters the Good News of Jesus
Lesson 8 – Lydia Encounters Jesus in Worship
Lesson 9 – People Encounter Jesus through the Work of the Disciples

Within the pages of this study, the author invites you to consider Jesus and Jesus’ disciples who shared the Good News through sacred encounters with everyday people. The Gospel According to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles demonstrate the unfolding of God’s redemptive purposes in human history and present a distinctive perspective on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Written by Luke, a physician and traveling companion of Paul, the message to the early Christian community (and to us) is radical, inclusive, and hope-filled. Further, this message invites the church to deeper, compassionate engagement with the world. “What are the potential implications for the church if we treat our interactions as sacred encounters that demonstrate the transformative love of Christ Jesus?”

All women are invited to attend. Our first meeting will be in Room 12, Tuesday November 7. We will meet at 6:30 p.m. for fellowship and light refreshments and begin our study at 7:00 p.m. There will be a short video to begin each lesson, followed by group discussion. We should conclude no later than 8:30.

If you have questions or would like to join, please let me know so that I can order the books. Books are $10.

Janice Danielson-231-510-0094;